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Marilyn Nguyen

Health Services Management and Business Minor Student

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Marilyn Nguyen

BS in Health Services Management with a Minor in Business

 Indianapolis, Indiana

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About Me

I am an upcoming senior graduating from the Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI). Additionally, I am a Manager at the Mathematics Assistance Center at IUI and President of the Vietnamese Student Association at IUPUI. With my current roles, I am passionate about serving others and growing in my leadership skills. In the future, I hope to become a health administrator to further my education and make a bigger impact in the healthcare world.


Why Health Services Management?

I chose Health Services Management (HSM) as my degree because I am passionate about working and serving in the healthcare world but not on the clinical side. As an HSM major, I have been able to learn the business side of healthcare and how policies have shaped where healthcare is today. Over time, I have found that I want to make an impact on accessibility and cost for minority patients to ensure that they are getting the care that they need without having to worry about barriers. 

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